This is a recent recent project I did on my great grandmother, Frances.

In this project I documented her last days, items that I found after her death, life lessons, and wondering what happens next.

December 2019 she was being neglected in a nursing home, so my grandpa moved with her and all their things from Amarillo to Austin in late January.
She was with us for about 7 months before she passed in august.
It was all apart of Gods plan,
COVID hit around March so we believe she would have died isolated and possibly even sooner.
We also were blessed with a house last November after living in a one bedroom apartment with all 6 members of close family.
It’s not by coincidence, but in his timing.
I miss her everyday and got so much closer to her than I ever thought.
I still have so many questions for her
and regret of time I didn’t spend with her.
She was always so proud of my work, and unconditionally loved everyone.
I believe God spoke to me that is why it is so important to make every effort in so many things we do.
In this project I documented her last days, items that I found after her death, life lessons, and wondering what happens next.


Documenting Covid 19


Familiar Places, Empty Faces.